Data Warehouse (DW) Vs. Data Lake (DL)

Data Warehouse (DW)

A data warehouse (DW) is a structured database that stores historical data from different sources in a predefined schema. It’s designed for data analysis and reporting, and it provides a single source of truth for the organization’s data.

Tools used for data warehousing are:

1. Microsoft SQL Server

2. Oracle Database

3. IBM Db2

4. Amazon Redshift

5. Snowflake

6. Apache Hadoop (Hive)


Data Lake (DL)

Data Lake is a storage repository that can store vast amounts raw data in its native format, from different sources and in different structures. It’s intended for exploratory data analysis, machine learning, ad Advanced analytics.

Tools used for building and managing data lakes

1. Amazon S3

2. Apache Hadoop

3. Apache Spark

5. Microsoft Azure Data Lake

6. Google Cloud Storage

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