Top Data Analyst Interview Questions

In a data analyst interview, you can expect questions that delve into your analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, technical expertise, and sometimes even your communication and teamwork skills. Typically, interviewers might inquire about your experience with data manipulation tools like SQL, Python, or R, statistical knowledge, familiarity with data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI, and your approach to handling large datasets.

Data Analyst Interview Questions for Freshers

  1. What are the responsibilities of a Data Analyst?
  2. Write some key skills usually required for a data analyst.
  3. What is the data analysis process?
  4. What are the different challenges one faces during data analysis?
  5. Explain data cleansing.
  6. What are the tools useful for data analysis?
  7. Write the difference between data mining and data profiling.
  8. Which validation methods are employed by data analysts?
  9. Explain Outlier.
  10. What are the ways to detect outliers? Explain different ways to deal with it.
  11. Write difference between data analysis and data mining.
  12. Explain the KNN imputation method.
  13. Explain Normal Distribution.
  14. What do you mean by data visualization?
  15. How does data visualization help you?
  16. Mention some of the python libraries used in data analysis.
  17. Explain a hash table.
  18. What do you mean by collisions in a hash table? Explain the ways to avoid it

Data Analyst Interview Questions for Experienced

  1. Write characteristics of a good data model.
  2. Write disadvantages of Data analysis.
  3. Explain Collaborative Filtering.
  4. What do you mean by Time Series Analysis? Where is it used?
  5. What do you mean by clustering algorithms? Write different properties of
  6. clustering algorithms?
  7. What is a Pivot table? Write its usage.
  8. What do you mean by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis?
  9. Name some popular tools used in big data.
  10. Explain Hierarchical clustering.
  11. What do you mean by logistic regression?
  12. What do you mean by the K-means algorithm?
  13. Write the difference between variance and covariance.
  14. What are the advantages of using version control?
  15. Explain N-gram
  16. Mention some of the statistical techniques that are used by Data analysts.
  17. What’s the difference between a data lake and a data warehouse?

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Microsoft Power BI Quick Start Guide
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