Hierarchy of Memory

Memory hierarchy refers to the organization and arrangement of different types of memory in a computer system, based on their speed, capacity, and cost.

memory hierarchy diagram
Figure: Hierarchy of Memory Diagram

The memory at the top of the hierarchy has high speed, less storage, and is the most expensive. As you move down the hierarchy, speed and cost decrease, while storage increases.

Type of Memory

Primary memory

Primary memory stores data and programs while the program is being executed.

Primary memory is also known as main memory

Primary memory devices are volatile  i.e its content is totally removed when power is switch off.

Example : Cache Memory RAM, ROM, cache

Secondary memory

The secondary memory stores data and programs for long periods of time. It provides large, non-volatile and cheap storage for programs and data


Example : Magnetic tape, magnetic disk ,Hard disk, floppy disk.

Difference between primary and Secondary Memory

ON the Basis ofPrimary MemorySecondary Memory
Storage capacitySmallLarge
memorySemiconductorMagnetic and optical memory
costHigh costLow cost
Memory HierarchyHigher positionLower position
exampleRAM, ROM CacheMagnetic tape, magnetic disk ,Hard disk, floppy disk
Figure: Difference between Primary and Secondary memory

Cache Memory

Cache memory is similar to RAM, except that it is extremely fast compared to normal memory and it is used in different way.

Cache memory is a small memory that resides between CPU and RAM whose access time is closer to the processing speed of the CPU.

When program is running and the CPU needs to read data and program instruction from RAM, the CPU check first to see whether the data is in cache memory. If  the data is not there the CPU read the data from RAM into its register , but it also loads a copy of data into cache memory.

The next time the CPU needs that same data , it finds it in the cache memory and saved the time needed to load the data from RAM.

The successful retrieval of requested data from the cache is known as cache hit.

Failure to find the requested data in the cache is known as cache miss.

Type of cache memory:

Primary cache (level 1/ internal cache)

• It is located inside the CPU.

• It is smaller and  fastest 

Secondary cache (level 2/ external cache )

• It is located outside the CPU; normally positioned on the motherboard of a computer.

• It is larger but slower than primary cache


Registers are small high speed storage  areas.

They hold various type of data, instruction, Address and the immediate result of the calculations when AlU performs arithmetic and  logical operation

To execute an instruction the control unit of the CPU retrieves it from main memory and place it into a register.

Registers Type

  1. Program counter
  2. Memory address Register
  3. Instruction Register
  4. Memory buffer register
  5. Memory data register
  6. Accumulator
Components of a Computer System
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