Different Type of Computer Network

What  is  Computer Networking ?

Computer network is defined as the interconnection of  two or more computers. It is done to enable the  computers to communicate and share available resources.

The computers that provides the resources to other computers on a network is known as server.

The individual computers in the network which access shared network resource  are known as client or node.

computer network
Figure: Computer Network

Importance  of computer Network

  1. Sharing of resources such as printers
  2. Sharing of  software’s and database
  3. Exchange of data and information among users via  network
  4. It allows for the electronic transfer of text.
  5. It allows for decentralized of various data processing functions
  6. It allows for communication between organization
  7. It allows for easier backup process

Advantages of Computer Network

  1. Increased speed
  2. Reduced cost
  3. Improved security
  4. Electronic mail
  5. Flexible access

Disadvantages of Computer Network

  1. High cost of installation
  2. Requires time for administration
  3. Failure of server
  4. Cable faults

Type of Computer Network

Computer Network are clissified based on Geographical area and computer Network architecture.

Network Based on Geography Area

Local Area Network (LAN)

LAN is a network which is designed to operate over a  small physical area such as an office, factory or a group  of buildings.

LAN’s are easy to design and troubleshoot and Exchange of information and sharing of resources becomes easy because of LAN.

In LAN all machines are connected to a single cable.

Different types  of topologies such as star ,tree, bus,  ring, etc Can be used.

Figure: Local Area Network (LAN)


  1. The reliability of network is high because the failure of  one computer in the network does not affect the functioning for other computers
  2. Addition of new computers to network is easy
  3. High rate of data transmission is possible  
  4. Peripheral device like printer can be shared by other computers


  1. Cover a small geographical region
  2. Limitation in exchanging information
  3. Special security measure are need to stop users from using programs and data they should not have access to
  4. In LAN all machines are connected to a single cable so that if cable failed; it affect entire system.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

It is in between LAN & WAN technology that  covers the entire city.

It uses similar technology as LAN.

It can be a single network such as cable TV  network, or a measure of connecting a number of  LAN’s or a large network so that resources can be  shared LAN to LAN as well as device to device.

Figure: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)


  1. More cable required for a man connection from one place to another.
  2. Increases the efficiency of handling data.
  3. Increase the speed of transferring data.
  4. Saves the cost attached to establish a wide area network.
  5. Cost effective by Sharing of resources such as printers.
  6. Offers centralized management of data.
  7. Enables people to connect many fast LANs together.
  8. Easy to implement links. üFlexibility of the proposed service.


  1. The large the network becomes difficult to mange.
  2. Difficult to make the system secure from hackers .

Wide Area Network

When network spans over a large distance or when the  computers to be connected to each other are at widely  separated locations a local area network cannot be used. A  wide area network(WAN) is installed.

The communication between different users of WAN is  established using leased telephone lines, satellite links and  similar channels.

It is cheaper and more efficient to use the phone network  for the link.

Figure: Wide Area Network


  1. Covers a large geographical area so long distance business can connect on the network.
  2. Share software and resource with connecting working stations.
  3.  Everyone on the network can use same data. This avoids problems where some user may have older information than others.


  1. Network can be expensive and complicated.
  2. It is slow in speed
  3. Very much dependency on the third party because it is public network.

Based on Network Architecture

Based on network architecture computer network classified into three types .

  1. Client server Network
  2. Peer-to-peer Network
  3. Value added Network

Client Server Network

The Powerful computers that provides the resources to other computers on a network is known as server.

The individual computers in the network which access shared network resource  are known as client or node

In Client server communication :

• Establish connection using protocol

• Client send request to server

• Server sends response to client request

• Close connection

client server network
Figure: Client Server Communication

• The server must be faster and more storage capacity to contain all the data, need to be shared to the clients. There are different type of servers:

File Servers: managing files

Print server: To handling printing request

Communication Server: handle the communication between client and server

Mail server: specially setup to handle client’s email


  1. Centralized Security
  2. Easy accessibility


  1. Expensive server
  2. If the server crashes , the computer network breaks down.

Peer to Peer Network

In peer-to-peer network computers are connected individually in pair(one to one connection).

There is no dedicated server. All the computers are equal termed as peers.

Each computer on the network has the capability to share data and resource with other computers.

Each user has right to decide what he would or would not like to share. Each computer act as a both client and  server.

It is suitable in small office network.



2.Easy setup and maintenance


1.Less secure because message flow freely between the computer.

2.It is decentralized as there is no space for the storage of files.

Value Added Network(VAN)

A third part network performing services beyond the transmission of data. For example, VANs provide mailbox, data security. Many also offer email services.

The connection between two VANs that allows message from one VAN’s customer to be communicated to the customer on the other.

VAN is generally used by the companies privately for Electronic data interchange (EDI), which is standard for interchanging the business data.

Difference Between LAN,MAN and WAN

computer network
Figure: Difference Between LAN, MAN and WAN
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