Introduction to Database Management System

Database management system (DBMS) is a type of software or tools that  helps to manage the database. User  can create , maintain, manipulate and retrieve data or information from a single table or group of interrelated table.

DBMS act as an interface between user/application program and database.

Example : Oracle Database , SQL Server, MySQL, MS-access, Dbase etc. are used to managed data in DBMS.

DBMS application are Student information system, hospital management system ,Library Management System, customer relationship Management.

Figure: DBMS act as interface between user and database

Major role of DBMS

  1. Define data structure for data storage
  2. Provide suitable mechanism for data access and data manipulation.
  3. Maintain system integrity.
  4. Eliminates redundancy of data
  5. Provide safety and security measure of data.
  6. Provide mechanism for data sharing among user concurrently

Advantage of DBMS

  1. Make an easy to view data, add new data, modify and delete existing data.
  2. Organize the data in proper sequence and Structure.
  3. Eliminates data redundancy ( Same data set is stored in multiple places)
  4. Data consistency (Data consistency is the accuracy, completeness, and correctness of data stored in a database)
  5. Data can be shared among several users.
  6. Protecting data against unauthorized access.
  7. Allow for multiple user  to be active at one time ( Data can be accessed concurrently)
  8. Data Backup and Recovery.

Disadvantage of DBMS

  1. Cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite high, which increases the budget of your organization.
  2. Most database management systems are often complex systems, so the training for users to use the DBMS is required.
  3. The database can fail because or power failure or the whole system stops.
  4. Chances of unauthorized access (security risk)
  5. Need more disk space for program storage then file management system.

Objectives of the DBMS

  1. To  store mass storage of relevant data.
  2. To Make the data access easy for the user.
  3. To eliminate the data redundancy.
  4. To Make the latest modification to the database available immediately
  5. Allow for multiple user  to be active at one time ( Data can be accessed concurrently)
  6. The advancement in the database enables to add more data and program to the system
  7. To Protect the data from physical harm and unauthorized access.
  8. To Maintain Data confidentiality.

Read also: Introduction to Database

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