Algorithm and Flowchart to find the largest number among three numbers


  1. Start
  2. Read Three Number A,B and C
  3. Check, Is A is greater than B (A>B)
  4.  If Yes, Check, Is A is greater than C (A>C)
    • 4.1 If Yes, print “A is Largest Number”
    • 4.2 If No, print “C is Largest Number”
  5. If No, Check, Is B is greater than C (B>C)
    • 5.1 If Yes, print “B is Largest Number”
    • 5.2 If No, print “C is Largest Number”
  6. Stop


laregst number among three numbers

Alternative Method:


  1. Start
  2. Read Three Number A,B and C
  3. if (A > B && A > C)
    • Print “A is Largest Number”
  4. Else if (B > A && B >C)
    • Print “B is Largest Number”
  5. Else
    • Print “C is Largest Number”
  6. Stop


larest number among three numbers
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