How to Answer Case Study Questions?

In an exam, the case study question tests your skill in connecting theories and concepts to real-world situations.

Preparing for Case Studies before the Exam

Identify Theories and Concepts

Begin by recognizing and organizing key theories and concepts in your course. Ensure a thorough understanding.

Example: In the computer network context, understand type of computer network and topology concepts such as bus, ring, and star configurations. In Database, focus on database concepts, advantages, disadvantages and different database models

Practice with Time Limits

  • Practice reading case studies related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) topics, identifying relevant information within a time limit to simulate exam conditions.

Example: Set a timer for 15 minutes and analyze a case study on using a network topology for a growing business or choosing an appropriate database type for a specific application.

Relate Concepts to Real-world Situations

Seek practical examples from lectures, textbooks, and past exams. Relate network topologies and database concepts to real-world scenarios in the computer field.

Example: Apply the concept of a star topology to a case study involving setting up a local area network for an office. Relate the advantages of a database to a scenario of handling data.

During the Exam

Take Time to Plan

Allocate time wisely, considering the entire exam duration. Spend time to understanding the question and planning your response

Understand the Case Study

Begin by reading the exam question(s). Skim-read the case study to get a general idea, highlighting or underlining key points.

Example: If the question involves using a network or database for a business, focus on the key requirements and constraints mentioned in the case study.

Reread and Focus

Reread the exam question to ensure understanding, then read the case study carefully. Note down any initial ideas.

Example: If the case study discusses database implementation, note down Requirements, potential solutions or strategies, Advantages and Disadvantages.

Answer with Relevant Linkages

Answer the question by connecting relevant theories and concepts. Write your answers in well-structured paragraphs with clear topics supported by evidence and examples.

Example: Relate the benefits of a ring topology to a case study involving a distributed team. Connect the advantages of database to a case study aiming to enhance data management in a relational database.

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